Your take on the radicalism of Christianity is spot on. Only in the study of Ancient Religions do we fully begin to understand a world without it...

The bloody barbarity of Human Sacrifice is lost to a society that now denies it ever existed, despite archaeological proof. The religious beliefs of devout Christians who were also Scientists are dismissed as contemporaneous necessity by those who know nothing of History beyond their own ages' revisionist propaganda.

Secular Communism fails because it relies on Man to be as moral as God.

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Great points, RH, thanks for your thoughts, I couldn’t agree more that the past needs so much more illuminating to understand where we are, great comment

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was not the witch burning, the inquisition the crusades, all human sacrifice by another name?

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I actually will be getting to the crusades in my Vital Villain in just a while: https://open.substack.com/pub/thevitalvillain/p/the-vital-villain-romans-9-and-the?r=2rvuja&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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I actually think it’s much more complicated than that, have you heard of “Millenium - the forging of Christendom” by Tom Holland? In the grander scheme I see the crusades as an inevitable part of history, and it’s not a coincidence it happened around the year 1000

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that is one of the few book i have not read about the subject, IMO, the evidence is crushing. Caesars Messiah- Joseph Atwill, The Christ Conspiracy by Acharya S. he Messianinc Legancy by Baigent and Leigh, Cult of the dead, by Kyle Smith, How Jesus became GOD by bart Ehrman, and others . The evolution of religion was not inevitable. the Myth of progress, is a decoy from the criminals that hijack the natural impulse to connect with the divine, for their own power and needs...

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In light of being Easter, I actually just wrote a piece, which I would be interested in what you think: https://rontimus.substack.com/p/risen-from-death-or-risen-from-shame

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Yes. The targeting of non-conformists existed also in pagan societies and classical soceities; Evil targets the vulnerable, the different, the free thinkers in every age and time. My Ancestress was burned at the stake in Salem. She also was Christian, but she was falsely accused. The difference is, in a Christian society, we know it is wrong to kill the innocent. We know it is sin - and Christians who are truly followers of Christ must call it out and stop it.

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You trace back to Salem? Very cool!

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Yes, I have two actually, one linked by DNA but as yet unconfirmed through the genealogical records, (the Ancestress who lost her life) and another DNA and record confirmed - Captain John Alden, who was imprisoned for 4 months on charges, but who later escaped from the prison and gave one of the most complete accounts of the accusations as they were laid.




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Wow, that's remarkable, you have a much greater connection to your family past than most people do (most just stop at their grandparents), very cool.

And you know, I see the witch trials as a sort of moral panic that happens periodically throughout history (I actually see covid as similar, just on a global scale), and so I don't really spend much time judging it, but rather just trying to see the forces that brought us to where we are, there are much bigger forces than any single one of us

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the no true Scotsman argument eh?

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No, because it does not covertly falsify the initial claim. Christians are not allowed to give a human sacrifice. This is a core tenet of Christianity. Therefore, the statement that Christians know it is wrong to sacrifice a human is a true statement, and the fact that any Christian who performs a human sacrifice is not longer a Christian means this is a true counterexample, and not a false one. Additionally, I do not refute the Evil nature of the murders of people proclaimed 'Witches' - in fact, I offer my own family history as an example - and say that it was Evil. I also say that my Ancestress proclaimed herself a Christian, and she said the burning of 'witches' was wrong. She was the true Christian - not those who killed her.

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It is actually a fascinating thing to read through Hebrews and to hear it explained how in the christian view the sacrifice of Christ is meant to bring an end to all manner of sacrifices. Fascinating stuff

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Yes; Christ's sacrifice ends all others. There need be no more blood shed in God's name -

the only sacrifice He wants is Love, offered freely.

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so , if i just change the word it's ok, in stead of sacrifice to god, it is burning a witch. that makes me so confident in your moral fortitude that i would stay far away....

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Even if you and RH disagree, I appreciate both your thoughts (especially RH’s interesting history tracing back to the Salem), and you coming by

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It’s not so much for me whether anyone in particular agrees with the idea of sacrifice of any kind (to gods or witches or whatever), but rather the history of sacrifice (and how extremely common it was throughout history and not just Abrahamic faiths).

Whether one agrees with it or not, there has been an intense need felt in humans to sacrifice for sins before the Divine, and I try to neither criticize it nor promote it, but rather just to look at the reasons for where we are now.

Some people have read my stuff and then felt their faith strengthened. Others have had read my stuff and felt their disinclination to any faith strengthened.

For me, it’s about thinking of where we come from, and particularly, in the case of westerners, seeing that we are all very much Christian in our values due to the Christian revolution that long came before us

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The old faiths had cardinal virtues, of Courage, Temperance Prudence and Justice. Christianity has Faith Hope and Charity. they will produce a very different person. One less subservient for sure. One more willing to speak truth to power. Also, i do not believe everything said about the old faiths. there was motive to slander. to prove that this "great reset" was truly "better". The abrahamic faiths infected everything with a guilt and shame control grid (confession), and dualistic , over simplistic thinking, with learned helplessness in droves. the focus discourages self awareness - the opposite of "know thyself" above the temple of Apollo. the pre abrahamics were a control grid of mystery cults, yes, the grid got even tighter with Christianity. Of course this is where it leads. Monopoly. Technocracy.

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Very interesting thoughts... thank you

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A niggling problem:

Except halakhically (according to Jewish Law), Marx was likely never Jewish. His parents were both born to Rabbinic families but were described as lukewarm at best, and converted out for professional reasons after the retaking of Trier by Prussia in 1815, when Prussia retracted the equal rights they held under France.

I cannot find a precise date online but did find a mention that his father resisted the pressure to convert for a few years, claiming to be a Deist, before converting to Lutheranism, rather than the majority Catholicism of Prussia. Marx was born in May 1818, so the family would have converted by the time he was a toddler, at the latest. His parents continued to be religiously lax and uncommitted, and probably raised him with little meaningful faith. Schools taught religion in those days, so that's likely where he picked it up.

No wonder, as you pointed out, that he sounds like he's reciting Christianity by rote.

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Yes, and all of that seems to really buttress the point... just how half-assed and half-hearted everything was with Marx's situation. I think of the verse in Revelation "I wish you were hot or cold", which, I think can also be applied to ideas like "It's better to be an anti-christ pagan, than an unconscious christian driven by religious forces that you claim to reject".

Or as Ron Swanson once said, "Don't half ass two things. Whole-ass one thing." Forgive my crude language...LOL

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"The Anti-Christ is not to be found primarily in the great deniers but in the small affirmers, whose Christ is only on the lips."

Father Seraphim Rose

The Shabbatai Tzvi debacle and the disappointment of the Dreyfus Affair atheized and radicalized many European Jews, and pressure to convert (rather than faith) only led them to despise religion altogether.

The effects still play out in Ashkenazi and European Sephardi Jews. Which explains a lot about the intense reactions of Jews today to both Zionism as a replacement for Judaism and as something itself to be hated. It infected Marxism from the beginning, and never stopped.

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Wow, that quote... so good! I always liked Rose, he has such great insightful quotes, like Dostoevsky... thank you for sharing!

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I'm currently still struggling through the audiobook version of "Nihilism". The editor quotes that in the preface.

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Rose’s quote on Nietzsche is very revealing and nuanced, a powerful soul with a large heart

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I think that any and all of the "revealed" religions can be traced to some sort of insanity. Why is it that the main propagators of communism and those behind the revolution in Russia followed Judaism rather than Christianity? That's a FACT. When you take a close look at ALL of the major "religions" you can find that they all create a cult mentality with them. The end result is death, destruction, slavery, insane "laws", theft, robbery, con artists at work, psychopathic cult leaders etc. There is only one belief that makes any sense to someone who uses their reason, logic and common sense. Because God gave us REASON, not religion. So for me to hang my hat on the idea that Christianity is the source of Communism and ignore the reality of ALL revealed religions are the source of communism, to one degree or another just will not work for me. Try http://deism.com See if they are behind communism. Did anyone read my deep dive into my take on communism in the USA? https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style

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What I'm saying is that communism is a separation of Christian morality from Christianity itself. So what people do is discard the dogma, but promote the "love your neighbor and enemy" on the surface (ie: "communism", be "communal", etc). Of course, most communists don't actually care about anyone, but they keep the pretence of care.

It's the pretense that is supported by Christian morality, and it is why everyone freaks out over Hitler, but is ok with Stalin and communism: https://youtu.be/s82zbGsLCJc

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Jonathan...this makes no sense to me. "What I'm saying is that communism is a separation of Christian morality from Christianity itself. " Communism is basically miss understood by almost everyone. Some believe that for a communist nation to come into existence you have to have a violent overthrow of the current system. Others, myself included, believe it can be done peacefully a bit at a time which is what is the main premise of my post, Communism, American Style. We are in the midst of throes that could turn totally violent but I do believe the fact that we as citizens are armed to the teeth that it isn't going to work out the way they wish. We also need to realize that no one can be a one man army against a standing army which is why I wrote Those Forgotten and Ignored 13 Words. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/those-forgotten-and-ignored-13-words If you look at my effort at exposing the fact that the USA is for all intents communist, I think you'll be able to see a better picture on the whole subject. The understanding of love your neighbor doesn't come with a gun pointed at your head and an "or else" statement. We can do just fine without social security, Medicaid, fake money, and so many other constructive fraud elements that have been foisted on us. Did you actually read https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style ? It really isn't that long.

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Yes, I did read that, thank you. And that is a really good point about social security and medicaid.

Ultimately, what people have to start doing is the most terrifying thing for most people, which is stop paying income tax and then arm yourselves to the teeth.

My experience though with most people is that even the very thought of this is SO terrifying, they will never do it. And they are terrified for two reasons: 1. They are afraid of jail. 2. They are afraid of losing their pension and medicare and medicaid. But ultimately, as you have said here, there is no other way of escaping communism. If you ultimately refuse to let your government pension go bye bye, then you are faciliating communism. Only those who can let it go will lead the way.

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